Sunday, April 10, 2011

Surgery Wednesday 4/10/11

Gracie will have another surgery next week. We will be in Hershey overnight on Wednesday. It is a palate surgery called a pharyngoplasty (I think I am spelling it right). The hope is that it improves the quality of her speech. Speech therapy is really helping her to break bad habits and with placement but her sounds are still not precise. Please pray for our surgeon, Dr. Mackay. He is wonderful but it is such delicate work. If he doesn't do enough it will not make a difference and if he does too much she will end up sounding very nasal and he may have to undo what was done. Recovery should not be too tough. Gracie did really well with her last surgery. This surgery is much less of an ordeal. She will be on a soft food diet for 6 weeks which is the toughest part for us all! She is very excited about going to the hospital and all of the attention, presents and ice pops she will be getting! Thank you for your prayers!