Thursday, May 27, 2010

8 months home

Hi all. I just wanted to take a break from the all of the medical posts! Gracie has been home for about 8 months. She is doing so well. We just love her to pieces. We have to remind ourselves of her background at times because she has just become part of the family. I caught myself telling the pediatrician how this or that doesn't run in my family. Oh.. that is right... what difference would that make... she is adopted! I think about how God knew all along that she would be in our family. How He saw the day she was born and each day afterward. I pray that in heaven I am able to "rewind the tape" and see each day of her life we missed. I pray that she knows that she was fearfully and wonderfully made and that God has a good plan for her life. She is such a joy. A strong-willed and determined joy! I love that about her. Most days=) She is so helpful. She RUNS to get things or to clean up and she works so diligently. She is so obedient. I think about all the million things that had to fall into place to bring her home and it is truly a miracle. I often think about the fact that we had a choice whether or not to adopt her and it sends chills down my spine. To think we could have missed this! Thank God we didn't.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Still doing well

We are two days post-op and home doing well. Just now starting to see some reduced swelling. She continues to handle the pain like a champ. She has become more aware of the pain in her face but is equally upset about the little mark from the IV and the little scab she got on her foot last week from her shoe rubbing her foot! She hasn't seen herself yet in the mirror. She tells us constantly her boo boo feels better. When we find something she likes to eat or we make her comfortable in some way she says, "I am happy now". She pretty much needs constant care so she is keeping us hopping. She just needs someone to be with her to make sure she is not doing anything unsafe or the other kids are not swinging things or throwing things near her. There has never been a lack of activity in our house... climbing, jumping off the bunk beds, sliding down the stairs on a sleeping bag... so life has ceased as we know it. So far so good. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Surgery Details

We are through our first major surgery!!! It went well. They let me take her back since she did not want to go with the nurse. I held her in the OR while they put a mask on her to put her to sleep. The OR was huge. Like five times my living room and with a dozen people busily getting prepared for Gracie Mei. Oh the care our children receive in this country! From a worldy perspective so few children are so fortunate. Four hours after she went in they called and said she was waking up and we could come back. She was a little scared but calmed down and slept a lot. We moved to our room and she has done great drinking and eating pureed food. Her palate is lengthened and the muscles lined up in a way that will help improve speech. The palate was the most important part so we were thrilled to hear good news about that. He closed most of the hole in her palate which will set her up for a bone graft surgery around age 8. He closed the hole in the base of her nose which will also help greatly with speech since she will not have air escaping from her nose. He said the lip revision was tough. Her repair in China soon after she was born was not a good one. He attached the muscles in her lip so now she can make the "W" sound and pucker up! Watch out boys!!! She has a lot of swelling so it is hard to see what it will look like. They say it was difficult and it will never be perfect but they say it is SO much better. To me, she looks different and I have had to hold the tears back about that. I know it sounds strange but all of you Mommy's out there with kids with clefts know just what I mean=) They gave her nose a little more definition. More nose work as she grows. They continue to say she has more ahead of her but they do not know when because every kid heals differently. As she gets older it also depends on how comfortable she is with the way everything looks and what she wants to have done. She has stitches on her lip and steri strips covering the other stitches aboe her lip. Some swelling. I don't think the kids will be too scared but scared enough to be gentle I hope. As we close out this day I think of all the wonderful care Grace has received and how she has been covered in prayer by so many people who love her. How can I be anything but thankful!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pray For Gracie Mei!!!

Hi all,
As we wrap up Mother's Day festivities my thoughts turn to Wednesday. Grace will have a 3 hour surgery at Hershey Medical Center. The details are on older posts. Can you join us praying for Gracie Mei and her surgeon, Dr. Mackay? I imagine the surgery will start late morning or early afternoon. I will update the blog when we hear how things go. I am nervous and excited for her.