Wednesday, April 8, 2009

2 of Everything

Hit Target today to pick up some things to send to China. I bought two of everything so if I don't get the things back I will still have one to take to China so we have some familiar things for her. I got the softest blankets ever but was worried since it is summer that it won't be useful so I also got a little bears holding on to a little blanket. It says in her file that she likes toys that make noise so I got her a glow worm that lights up and plays different songs. Julia has one too so we will take that along to China. I bought a little photo album that we will fill with pictures of our family and surroundings. Disposable cameras so her foster parents can take lots of pictures for us. Also 2 bottles of the same baby lotion. One that we will ask her foster mom to use at bedtime and 1 to keep so we can continue to use it. With all that will change in her little life it might be nice that something smells familiar. So now can you all pray that this package gets to her foster home and they use the stuff? Especially the disposable cameras so we will have pictures of her over the next few months and of her foster family. Also we are trying to find someone to translate a letter to send along with info and questions etc. Nice to have some things to do while we wait.

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