Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Prayer Requests

I want to post prayer requests down the side of the blog so they are showing all the time but I can't figure out how to do that. Anyway, here are ways specifically to pray for us. We value your prayer support above all else! I am going to call her Mei Mei (may may) because it means little sister in Chinese. I will write answers to prayer in red below each request.

1. Pray that we may be able to travel this summer while Rob is off.
2. Pray for healing as Mei Mei recovers from her recent palate surgery.
3. Pray for Mei Mei's foster parents that they may be able to prepare her as well as possible for the adoption.
4. Pray that our hearts will be knit together with hers.
5. Pray for Mei Mei's grieving process as she leaves all she knows in China and adjusts to life as a Fisher kid.
6. Pray for Rob and I as we wait. It is easy to cycle between faith and fear. This is truly an emotional roller coaster ride.
7. Pray for the swine flu outbreak.
seems to be contained!
8. Pray that we will get pictures of her foster parents and siblings, if any. This will help her in the grieving process.
received pictures of foster Mom and Dad!
received picture of foster Brother, Drew! 8/09
9. We now know Mei has a brother (not biological but most likely foster brother) so pray that he will be adopted and that we will find his adoptive parents.
10. We hear that Mei's foster parents hope that she can improve her speech. Pray that she can make progress now that her palate is closed.
reports continue to say Mei is improving in speech. She is using more words together and strangers can understand her!

That is all for now but be prepared to pray for this little one for the rest of your life on this earth=)

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying! I really love "watching" your process through this blog!
    love the nick name Casie!!!
